@article{oai:hama-med.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000175, author = {森下, 直貴}, issue = {7}, journal = {浜松医科大学紀要. 一般教育, Reports of Liberal Arts, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine}, month = {Mar}, note = {Only in the past 10 years have all of the "ethical committees" appeared spontaneously in medical schools in Japan. Such an autonomous movement by the profession may have almost never been in Japanese modern history. Therefore it is very significant to ethical life of our own society. But this occured without any essential and widespread discussions on it. Now we should ask why our "ethical committees" have to exist and what the tasks they face are. In this paper I inquire that theme from the following point of view: when we understand that we are based on "pluralistic" society, the so-called "informed consent" (this is an indispensable concept to the medical ethics) ought to be enlarged and embeded into a certain institutional and social sphere, and the nuclear carrier of the informed consent in this sense is nothing but an "ethical committee". Contents are following: 0. Asking the reason of the "ethical committees" 1. Fundamentals of institution in pluralistic society 2. Problems in medical institution 3. Medical education coping with the problems 4. Coping with them by Japanese society and people surrounding medicine 5. The reasen of the "ethical committees": a nuclear carrier of "consent" in "pluralistic" soeiety 6. Some models and present situations of the "ethical committees" ―U.S.A. 7. Some models and present situations of the "ethical committees" ―Japan 8. Tasks of Japanese "ethical committee"}, pages = {1--17}, title = {日本における「倫理委員会」の存在理由と課題 ―社会に開かれた専門家集団の自己規律のために―}, year = {1993} }