@article{oai:hama-med.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000089, author = {長坂, 萌那 and NAGASAKA, Moena and 平出, 拓哉 and HIRAIDE, Takuya and 漆畑, 伶 and URUSHIBATA, Rei and 石垣, 英俊 and ISHIGAKI, Hidetoshi and 宮入, 烈 and MIYAIRI, Isao and 福田, 冬季子 and FUKUDA, Tokiko}, issue = {1}, journal = {浜松医科大学小児科学雑誌, Hamamatsu Journal of Pediatrics}, month = {Mar}, note = {ヒトパレコウイルス3型(HPeV3)は,新生児期に敗血症や脳炎脳症の原因となる代表的なウイルスである.髄膜炎脳炎マルチプレックスPCRテスト(mPCR)は複数の病原体のPCRを同時に行う検査法であり,この検査の普及によりHPeVの検出例が増加している.mPCRにより同定したHPeV3による急性脳症の新生児例を報告する.症例は日齢14の新生児.日齢12に発熱し,解熱後に左半身の間代発作と無呼吸発作を発症した.活気不良,LDH高値,血液凝固異常,フェリチン上昇を認めた.髄液の細胞数増多や蛋白上昇はなかった.頭部MRI拡散強調像にて,白質と脳梁に異常高信号を認めた.髄液を用いたmPCR髄膜炎・脳炎パネルにて,HPeV由来の核酸が検出され,HPeV急性脳症と診断し,免疫グロブリンの投与を行った.退院後に髄液,咽頭,血液において,HPeV3 DNA陽性が判明した.HPeV急性脳症は非特異的な症状を示すため,mPCRが早期診断に有用である., Human parechovirus-3 (HPeV3) is one of the major causes of sepsis and encephalitis/encephalopathy in neonates. A multiplex PCR meningitis/encephalitis panel can perform PCR for multiple etiologic pathogens in one time. This case was a 14-day-old girl born at full term. She had a fever on 12 days of age, and after the fever resolved, she had episode of left hemispheric seizures and apnea. Ictal electroencephalogram showed rhythmic slow-wave discharges. Her blood tests showed elevated liver enzymes, coagulation abnormalities, and elevated ferritin. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis revealed no elevated protein and pleocytosis. Diffusion weighted image of brain MRI showed hyperintensity area in white matter and corpus callosum. HPeV derived nucleic acid was detected by the multiplex PCR meningitis/encephalitis panel. We made diagnosis of HPeV encephalopathy and underwent immunoglobulin therapy. HPeV3 DNA was detected in her blood, pharynx, cerebrospinal fluid after discharge from the hospital. Because symptoms caused by HPeV infection are nonspecific, the multiplex PCR meningitis/encephalitis panel is useful for early diagnosis.}, pages = {21--27}, title = {髄膜炎脳炎マルチプレックスPCRが診断に有用であったヒトパレコウイルス3型による急性脳症の新生児例}, volume = {4}, year = {2024} }