@article{oai:hama-med.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000090, author = {漆畑, 伶 and URUSHIBATA, Rei and 平出, 拓哉 and HIRAIDE, Takuya and 大石, 知也 and OISHI, Tomoya and 山田, 智史 and YAMADA, Satoshi and 林, 泰壽 and HAYASHI, Taiju and 加納, 康太郎 and KANO, Kotaro and 石垣, 英俊 and ISHIGAKI, Hidetoshi and 黒住, 和彦 and KUROZUMI, Kazuhiko and 宮入, 烈 and MIYAIRI, Isao and 福田, 冬季子 and FUKUDA, Tokiko}, issue = {1}, journal = {浜松医科大学小児科学雑誌, Hamamatsu Journal of Pediatrics}, month = {Mar}, note = {Pott’s puffy tumor(PPT)は骨膜下膿瘍を伴う前頭骨の骨髄炎であり,副鼻腔炎の合併症の1つである.PPTは10歳台に好発し,頭蓋内病変を合併することも多い.症例はいずれも10歳,発語減少や不穏,意識障害などの症状を契機にPPTと診断された,硬膜下膿瘍合併の副鼻腔炎である.PPTは前頭洞炎からの進展が最多とされ,症例1,2いずれも前頭洞から板間静脈を介した進展と判断された.起炎菌は嫌気性菌や日和見菌のことがあり,複数菌種が関与することもある.治療は内科的・外科的治療を併用することが多く,治療経過や予後の観点から適切な選択が重要である.ここに報告する症例では各々,Fusobacterium sp.とPseudomonas alcaligenesが検出され,複数菌種を想定した抗菌薬加療を行い,2症例とも外科的治療を要した.副鼻腔炎の頭蓋内合併症は速やかに診断し,細菌学的検索,適切な抗菌薬の選択,適切な時期の外科的治療が重要である., Pott's puffy tumor (PPT) is an osteomyelitis of the frontal bone with subperiosteal abscess and is a complication of frontal sinusitis. PPT often presents in the 10-year age group and is often complicated by intracranial lesions. We report here two cases diagnosed with PPT who presented at the age of 10 years with diminished speech, agitation and impaired consciousness, in which frontal sinusitis was thought to have caused frontal osteomyelitis and subdural abscess via the diploic vein. Fusobacterium sp., anaerobic bacteria were detected in one case and Pseudomonas alcaligenes, opportunistic bacteria in the other. When treating PTT and its intracranial complications, antimicrobials should be selected on the basis that multiple organisms may cause the disease, even if only one organism is detected in cultures. Endoscopic sinus surgery for sinusitis and/or perforator drainage for intracranial abscesses should be performed at the appropriate time.}, pages = {28--36}, title = {前頭洞炎の頭蓋内・頭蓋骨外進展:Pott’s puffy tumorと硬膜下膿瘍を発症した2症例の報告}, volume = {4}, year = {2024} }