@article{oai:hama-med.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003293, author = {笹ケ迫, 奈々代 and 山西, 優紀夫 and 小嶋, 一司 and 山田, 香 and 山本, 小百合 and 露木, 大地 and 川村, 温子 and 山西, 恵 and 袴田, 康弘 and 小阪, 謙三}, issue = {2}, journal = {静岡産科婦人科学会雑誌}, month = {Sep}, note = {高安動脈炎は、若い女性に好発する動脈の炎症を主体とする結合組織病で、その妊娠・出産の報告は少ない。症例は28歳1妊0産、妊娠26週で切迫早産の診断で前医に入院となった。入院中血圧の左右差を認め、高安動脈炎と診断され、妊娠33週でプレドニゾロン内服開始され、妊娠34週で当院に転院搬送となった。精査の結果、中等度の大動脈弁逆流、左鎖骨下動脈の高度狭窄を認め、低用量アスピリン、ヘパリンカルシウムを開始した。経過中胎児動脈管径は2.5mm前後で、右心負荷所見も認めなかったが、羊水減少傾向で妊娠36週0日全身麻酔下に帝王切開術を施行した。児は体重2248gの男児で、Apgar score 7/9、臍帯動脈血pH 7.303で、早産低出生体重児のため当院小児科に入院となった。術後抗血栓剤を再開し、術後8日目に母児共に退院となった。妊娠後期の低用量アスピリン投与については、胎児や胎盤の循環動態には影響しないという報告があり、リスクに応じて投与が考慮されうる。, Takayasu arteritis is a connective tissue disease characterized by inflammation of arterial walls; it is chiefly prevalent in young women. However, there is little information on the effects of the disease on pregnancy and delivery.A 28-year-old, gravida 1, para 0 woman was hospitalized at 26 weeks with threatened preterm labor in another hospital. Her upper limb blood pressure asymmetry led to a diagnosis of Takayasu arteritis. Administration of prednisolone was started at 33 weeks and she was transported to our hospital at 34 weeks. On detailed examination, she was found to have moderate aortic regurgitation and severe stenosis of the left subclavian artery. Treatment with low-dose aspirin and heparin calcium was started. Although the diameter of the ductus arteriosus remained about 2.5 mm and no abnormal findings, including right heart failure, were observed in ultrasonography, she underwent a Caesarean section under general anesthesia at 36 and 0/7 weeks because of a tendency to oligohydramnios. A male infant with a birthweight of 2248 g, APGAR scores of 7 and 9 at 1 and 5 minutes, respectively and umbilical-artery blood pH values of 7.303 was admitted to our pediatric facility with a diagnosis of preterm and low birth weight infant. Administration of antithrombotic agents was recommenced after surgery. The patient and her infant were discharged on the eighth postoperative day.It has been reported that administration of low-dose aspirin during late pregnancy had no effects on uterine and fetal blood flow during pregnancy. This can be taken into consideration according to the risk factors seen in each patient.}, pages = {18--25}, title = {妊娠中に診断され無事出産し得た高安動脈炎合併妊娠の 1 例}, volume = {7}, year = {2018} }