@article{oai:hama-med.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003384, author = {小田木, 秋人 and 谷口, 千津子 and 丸山, 享子 and 向, 亜紀 and 上田, めぐみ and 平井, 久也 and 松井, 浩之 and 芹沢, 麻里子 and 山下, 美和 and 岡田, 喜親 and 伊東, 宏晃 and 小林, 隆夫 and 金山, 尚裕}, issue = {1}, journal = {静岡産科婦人科学会雑誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {Maternal floor infarction(MFI)は比較的まれな胎盤異常であり、胎児発育不全(FGR)や子宮内胎児死亡の原因の一つとされる。今回当科で診断されたMFI 3症例の臨床像について検討した。平均年齢は37歳で、膠原病や自己免疫性疾患の合併例は無かった。全例自然妊娠で、2例が妊娠高血圧症候群を合併した。全例に-2.0~-3.0SDのFGRを伴い、うち1例は妊娠中期からの発症であった。2例に超音波Doppler検査において臍帯血流異常所見を認め、分娩時には胎児心拍数陣痛図でレベル3以上の異常所見が認められた。分娩様式は全例が緊急帝王切開であった。児は全例新生児集中治療室入院となり、予後からは1例で発達遅滞及び自閉傾向を認めた。, Maternal floor infarction (MFI) is a relatively rare form of placental abnormality and is one of the known causes of fetal growth restriction (FGR) and intrauterine fetal death (IUFD). We report three cases of MFI that were diagnosed in our department.The average age of the patients was 37, and none of them had connective tissue or autoimmune disorders. All patients became pregnant through spontaneous conception, and two developed hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. All patients had FGR in the range of -2.0 to - 3.0 SD, and one developed FGR during the second trimester. Doppler ultrasound revealed abnormal umbilical blood flow in two of the patients, and cardiotocography revealed abnormalities of the fetal heartbeat (≥ level 3) during labor. All patients underwent emergency C-section. All newborns were subsequently admitted to our neonatal intensive care unit. Developmental delay and autistic features were observed in one of the newborns during follow-up.}, pages = {95--100}, title = {Maternal floor infarction(MFI)の臨床像}, volume = {8}, year = {2019} }