@article{oai:hama-med.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000426, author = {尾崎, 清和 and OZAKI, Kiyokazu and 西川, 哲 and NISHIKAWA, Tetsu and 西村, 正彦 and NISHIMURA, Masahiko and 奈良間, 功 and NARAMA, Isao}, issue = {8}, journal = {The journal of veterinary medical science, 日本獣醫學会会誌}, month = {Aug}, note = {Beige rats, a model animal of Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS), frequently developed the skin lesions consisting of crust formations and alopecia in the skin around the neck from about 4 months of age. Erosion and ulceration were also observed in advance of the skin lesions. In severe cases, the lesions spread to all of the dorsum of the trunk. Skin tissues with or without lesions were studied histopathologically in 41 beige rats comparing with normal skin from 26 age-matched DA rats. Microscopically, epidermal lesions consisted of spongiosis, pustules and erosions with crust. Inflammatory cells in pustules consisted predominantly of eosinophil, and colonization of gram-positive cocci was occasionally observed in the surface area. Mites on the epidermis were also seen in some cases. Dermal lesions were superficial perivascular inflammatory cell infiltrations of eosinophils, neutrophils and mastocytes, and edema under the epidermal lesions. Follicles in the alopecic area showed resting stage and atrophic hair germ, but inflammatory changes were slight. Morphologic characters were very similar to those of chronic eosinophilic dermatitis or spongiotic dermatitis., CHSのモデル動物であるベージュラットにおいて4か月齢から頚部皮膚の痂皮および脱毛を初徴とする病変が形成され次第に糜燗や潰瘍を伴い, 重篤例では背部体幹がすべておかされた. そこで41例のベージュラットおよび26例の対照となるDAラットの皮膚を病理組織学的に検索した. 顕微鏡的に表皮は細胞間浮腫, 膿疱および漿液細胞性の痂皮を伴った糜燗で, 膿疱内には多数の好酸球を容れており, 皮膚表面にはグラム陽性細菌が認められた. また, しばしば表皮に接するようにダニが観察された. 真皮では, 主として表皮病変の直下に好酸球, 好中球および肥満細胞からなる血管周囲性炎症細胞浸潤および浮腫が見られた. 脱毛部の毛包は休止期を示し, 萎縮した毛母基が観察されたが, 炎症反応は軽度であった. このような皮膚病変の形態学的な特徴は慢性好酸球性皮膚炎ないし海綿状皮膚炎と類似していた.}, pages = {651--655}, title = {Spontaneous Skin Lesions in Beige Rats (Chediak-Higashi Syndrome of Rats)}, volume = {59}, year = {1997} }