@article{oai:hama-med.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000044, author = {平山, 一久 and 中村, 利夫 and 木俣, 博之 and 柏原, 秀史 and 砂山, 健一 and 大端, 考 and 鈴木, 昌八 and 今野, 弘之 and 馬場, 聡 and 中村, 達}, issue = {2}, journal = {日本消化器外科学会雑誌, The Japanese Journal of Gastroenterological Surgery}, month = {Feb}, note = {直腸癌の乳房転移はきわめてまれで, 悪性腫瘍乳房転移は全身的疾患の要素が強く, 根治術をしても予後不良である.今回我々は, 直腸癌の乳房転移に対し, 根治的乳房切除術後, 無再発で長期生存している1例を経験した.症例は52歳の男性.1994年5月, 進行直腸癌にて低位前方切除術を施行し, 1995年1月, 肝転移に対し肝部分切除を行った.同年3月, 右乳房部に境界明瞭な表在性腫瘍を認め切除したところ中分化型腺癌であった.10月にも同様に局所切除が行われた.右腋窩リンパ節が腫大し, 転移が疑われた.他部位には転移を認めないため, 1995年12月, 腋窩リンパ節郭清を伴う非定型乳房切除術を施行した.臨床所見と組織学的所見より最終的に直腸癌乳房転移と診断した.本症例は現在, 肝切除後60か月, 乳房切除後53か月無再発生存中である.直腸癌の乳房転移切除後長期生存の報告例はない., The breast metastasis of colorectal carcinoma to the breast is rare, and radical surgery for this disease rarely improves a patient's prognosis due to the frequency of multiple metastasis. A 52-year-old man underwent low anterior resection for rectal carcinoma in March 1994 and partial hepatectomy for solitary metachronous hepatic metastasis 1 year after resection of the primary lesion. The patient underwent excision 2 more times for painless flat tumors of the right breast in May and October 1995, both tumors being histologically moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma compatible with rectal carcinoma. Since the right axillary lymph nodes became gradually swollen and no other metastatic lesions were identified, we conducted radical mastectomy (Br + Ax + Mn) in December 1995. Histological examination showed 5 further axillary lymph node metastases. The man remains disease-free 53 months after the radical mastectomy. No report has been made, to our knowledge, of such a long-surviving case following breast resection from colorectal carcinoma.}, pages = {146--149}, title = {直腸癌の異時性肝転移, 乳房転移, 腋窩リンパ節転移切除後長期生存男性の1例}, volume = {34}, year = {2001} }