@article{oai:hama-med.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000048, author = {西野, 暢彦 and 中村, 昌樹 and 青木, 克憲 and 今野, 弘之 and 馬場, 正三 and 高田, 明和}, issue = {4}, journal = {日本消化器外科学会雑誌, The Japanese Journal of Gastroenterological Surgery}, month = {Apr}, note = {癌細胞由来のplasminogen activator (以下PA) が消化器癌の浸潤,転移にどのように関わっているかを検討した.免疫組織染色で胃癌の先進部や脈管侵襲部でurokinase (以下UK) が強く染色された.胃癌および転移リンパ節でUK値がそれぞれの健常組織に対して有意に増加していた (胃癌原発巣:10.59±10.61unit/g vs 1.03±0.72n=17p<0.01,リンパ節:5.08±1.72 vs 1.39±0.50n=9p<0.05) .腹膜組織のUK値は腹膜因子P_0でも主病巣の深達度がse以上では高値を示し,逆にtissue-PA (以下t-PA) 値は低値を示した.胃癌原発巣組織中のplasminogen activator inhibitor-I (以下PAI-I) 値が高い症例ではリンパ節転移例が高い傾向を示した.食道,胃,大腸癌患者の血漿中t-PA値はcontrolに対して低下していた. 癌組織局所でのUKの活性化,全身臓器でのt-PAの低下など,PAが癌の浸潤や転移に深く関わることが示唆された., The relationship between plasminogen activator derived from cancer cell and metastasis in cancer of digestive organs was investigated. Immunohistochemical staining showed strong stain of urokinase (UK) and plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-I) in tumor cells, especially advanced site of main tumor. Main tumor and metastatic lymph node showed higher levels of UK than normal tissues of stomach and lymph node. In contrast to UK levels, the amount of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) were not different between tumor tissues and normal tissues in stomach, and decreased in metastatic lymph node. UK levels in peritoneum showed higher rate in case which depth of main tumor was deper than se (s exposed) even though there was no peritoneal metastasis grossly, in cotrast t-PA levels in peritoneum were lower in such case. High PAI-I levels of main gastric tumors showed high tendency of lymph node metastasis. Plasma t-PA levels in patients with cancer of esophagus, stomach and colorectum tended to show lower rate than those of healthy controls. It was supecurated that activation of UK derived from cancer cells and systemic decrease of t-PA related to local invasion and metastasis of cancer.}, pages = {1096--1100}, title = {消化器癌転移における plasminogen activator の役割}, volume = {24}, year = {1991} }