@article{oai:hama-med.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000481, author = {松川, 真美 and MATSUKAWA, Mami and 水川, 裕文 and MIZUKAWA, Hirofumi and 柳谷, 隆彦 and Yanagitani, Takahiko and 大和, 雄 and Yamato, Yu and 山崎, 薫 and Yamazaki, Kaoru and 長野, 昭 and Nagano, Akira}, issue = {346}, journal = {電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. US, 超音波, IEICE technical report. Ultrasonics}, month = {Oct}, note = {超音波パルス法を用いて, 3頭の牛大腿骨皮質骨中の縦波音速異方性を測定した.約1%の不確かさで, 管状大腿骨皮質骨を伝搬する3方向(骨軸方向, 円周方向, 半径方向)の音速分布を詳細に測定した.各方向を伝搬する縦波音速は明らかに測定部位に依存して変化し, 皮質骨の異方性が異なることを示した.この音速の異方性は, 各部位の微視的構造を反映している.しかし, 一部の層状皮質骨では, 同様な構造であっても, 音速異方性に特徴的な差異がみられた.X線回折法により, これらの骨中のヒドロキシアパタイト (HAOp) 結晶の配向性を調べたところ, 骨軸及び円周方向へのOHApの2軸配向が観測され, 結晶配向度の傾向は音速異方性と一致した., Distributions of longitudinal wave velocities in three bovine femoral cortical bones were experimentally investigated. With the uncertainty of 1%, velocities in the three directions (Axial, Tangential and Radial) were observed using a conventional ultrasonic pulse technique. The anisotropic velocity distribution strongly depended on the microstructure and the position in the body of femur. In some parts of the bone with plexiform structure, the velocities in the axial and tangential directions showed characteristic changes, which could not be observed as changes in the microstructure. X ray diffractometry implies that this "invisible" change in the anisotropy results from the degree of bi-axial orientation of hydroxyapatite crystallites in the bone.}, pages = {15--18}, title = {牛皮質骨の構造と縦波伝搬速度の異方性について}, volume = {105}, year = {2005} }