@article{oai:hama-med.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000588, author = {伊藤, 靖 and 太田, 伸一郎 and 稲葉, 浩久 and 西村, 俊彦}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 The journal of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery}, month = {Jan}, note = {我々は機能性と非機能性の縦隔副甲状腺嚢腫の2例を経験したので報告する.機能性の症例は32歳の女性で, 検診で胸部異常陰影を指摘され当院に入院した.高カルシウム血症を認めたが, 画像検査から胸腺嚢腫を疑って胸骨正中切開により摘出術を施行した.胸腺と連続性を有する嚢腫で, 胸腺とともに摘出した.甲状腺との連続性は認めなかった.病理学的に胸腺右葉に発生した異所性副甲状腺腺腫の嚢胞変性と診断された.術後血清カルシウムは正常化し, PTHは正常範囲内であった.非機能性の症例は62歳の女性で, 顔面浮腫を主訴に入院した.血清カルシウム及びPTHは正常で, 画像検査で縦隔に嚢腫を認めた.頚部に嚢腫の一部を触知したため経皮的嚢腫穿刺を施行し, 穿刺液中のPTHが高値を示したことから副甲状腺嚢腫と診断した.頚部襟状切開にて嚢腫摘出術を施行し, 病理学的に嚢腫壁に副甲状腺組織を認めた. Two cases of mediastinal parathyroid cyst were described. Case 1.-A 32-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital for a right upper mediastinal shadow on the chest X ray film. The serum calcium level was high on her admission. A CT scan of the chest revealed a homogenos water density mass in the superior mediastinum. As a thymic cyst was suspected, the cyst was removed through a median sternotomy, together with the thymus. It was connected with the thymus, but there was no connection with the thyroid gland. Histological diagnosis was the cystic degeneration of the aberrant paratyroid adenoma of the thymus. Both serum calcium and PTH levels after operation returned to normal limits. It was considered a functional aberrant parathyroid cyst. Case 2.-A 62-year-old woman complained of facial edema. As the cyst was palpable at the lower anterior neck, a percutaneous cyst aspiration by a fine needle was performed. As PTH level in the content fluid was high, we could diagnos this case as parathyroid cyst preoperatively. The cyst was removed by transcervical approach and the parathyroid gland was histologically recognized in the cyst wall. It was considered a non-functional parathyroid cyst.}, pages = {77--82}, title = {縦隔副甲状腺嚢腫の2例}, volume = {13}, year = {1999} }